About Me
Daniel Lim

Daniel Lim

World Traveler & Artist

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain

Hey there,

I am Daniel Lim, a Photographer  with great interest and passion in exploring our fascinating world, experiencing  new cultures along with meeting new people and capturing memorable moments to share them together with you.

After graduating University, i knew i didnt want to get stucked in a 9-to-5 Office Job. To me it was the start of a new chapter in my Life where I wanted to live up to the principles that i value most – my personal freedom and time.
With that in mind, I decided to take action on a couple of things:

1) I started building and working on my own Freelance-Business as a Media Professional
2) With passion for globetrotting, i started as Part-time Cabin Crew Flightattendant for a well-known German Airlines

With that fundament, I decided to embark on an odyssey and see where things gonna lead me down that path. Being an open-minded and interested person always has been one of my biggest traits, especially since i realized that the boundaries that seem to hold us back, mostly only exist in our human minds, and that we all are a part of ONE GLOBAL WORLD.

I heartily welcome you as a vital part of my journey and I am more than happy to share my thoughts, experiences and captured moments together with you. So take my hand and join me, as we fly around the world – Explore. Dream. Discover!
