Coconut Coffee at Etihad Tower Abu Dhabi


Marhaba and welcome to Abu Dhabi !!!

Although it was a short trip, i really maximized the hell out! The Hotel and Room was really marvelous, especially the arabian buffet that i had on the last night of my stay. The Highlight, besides the pool and the beach, was the great view from the 300m altitude Observation Deck Platform at Etihad Tower! My friend Christopher and me really had an enjoyable time up there – having a fascinating 360 Degree view over the City of Abu Dhabi.

We relaxed in one of those first-class chairs with great view towards the sun and sea while having a Coconut Coffee which really had a rejuvenating and refreshing effect on us.

Below i selected the best shots of that Day. Unfortunately the coffee was already been taken away by the super-friendly filipino staff when i realised that i did not have taken any pictures of it at all. Too Sad!Anyways there will always be a second time i guess. I am definitely looking forward to Abu Dhabi again!

maʿa s-salamah (Bye Bye )


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