Europe’s ancient Portwine Harbour at Rio Douro

By July 10, 2014 Portugal No Comments

Bom Dia!

Welcome to Porto, one of Europe’s oldest city and world cultural heritage, located in the north of Portugal with its famous port and beautiful river Douro that directly leads into the Atlantic Ocean.

There is so much culture and heritage that one can explore and experience by just walking the narrow and cobbled streets of Porto. Several times I really got lost in between all those ancient colorful house facades that determine the special charm of Porto, but nevertheless the beauty of exploration lies with the uncertainty where things gonna lead you. Right?

Below you will see pictures of the the river Douro and the arch bridge Ponte Dom Luis that connects Porto with the Heart of Port wine production.

The most popular export item is of course the port wine. Its sweet taste usually goes perfect with cheese dishes but can be drunk to almost everything if you are a wine lover.  I had the traditional Rodizio grill, which is a Brazilian BBQ sliced directly from the skewer onto your plate. An important Note on wine is that authentic port wine, hast to be from this region. So if you ever manage to drink a glass of authentic port wine, remember that its grapes have been harvested right in that place.




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