Golden Week in Nagoya

By May 4, 2014 Japan No Comments

Ohayou Gozaimasu Japan! (Good Morning)

Known as the land of the rising sun and smiling faces i landed on Nagoya International Airport, seated in the cockpit right beside the Captain and Senior First Officer. It was a great view, especially since the Airport of Nagoya is located on an artificial island in the Ise Bay.

During my stay in Nagoya, i made several great and unique experiences. The first night we went to a great and authentic sushi place. The uncle there didn’t speak any English, but that was not of any problem. Pinpointing the food we wanted to order was a great start in what we call intercultural communication. Later that night we went around several pubs and landed by coincidence in Junkey’s bar. The venue seemed to be private, since there were only about 7 Japanese people around my age that celebrated the birthday of their friend.

But the friendliness and warm-heartedness that we experienced there, demonstrated again the kindliness of the Japanese people. Together we sang karaoke and had several drinks. Since the majority of them were not too fluent in English, we even used Google translator to communicate. That was really hilarious and fun. I used allot of non-verbal communication and it seemed to work out very well. We really had a great time that night and we stay connected for the future via Facebook.

The next day, my friend Caro and I explored the City of Nagoya by walking. On our way we met two friendly Japanese People that offered us their help in finding the Nagoya Castle. They even volunteered accompanying us for a while and made the effort to accompany us inside as well. This way we learned allot about the culture of Japan and the importance of the current Holiday Period, which is called the “Golden Week”.

Below you will find all great impressions of that beautiful trip. I am already now looking forward to visit back my great new friends in Nagoya.

Arigatou Gozaimasu (Thank You)

Sayonara (Bye Bye)


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